


Please pray that whatever the results of my husband’s blood work is, that it is for the highest good of all. I can’t take the up and down anymore. I give it all to God,please take this stress and worry…

Please Pray Amen

Please pray for me Derek Gerard Solomon I Can’t Evict Bad People From My Property St Michael Archangel protect us St Joseph pray for us Jesus Mary Joseph

Healing prayer

Good day! I am Bernardo Sabandal Telin Jr. 41 years old, married with two children and come from Philippines. Please include me in your daily prayer. I have anxiety disorde, acid reflux and now tinnitus. And also have sandy kidney…

Healing prayer

Good day! I am Bernardo Sabandal Telin Jr. 41 years old and married with two children. Please include me in your daily prayer. I have anxiety disorder, acid reflux and now tinnitus. I also have sandy kidney stones. Thank you…